19 Apr, 2024

Vitamin Deficiencies 101: Understanding the most common deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies can occur when the body doesn’t get enough of a specific vitamin or when it can’t absorb or use the vitamin properly. Vitamins are essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly. They play important roles in energy metabolism, immune function, maintenance of overall health, and prevention of chronic diseases.  From maintaining […]

4 mins read


Nixxdee Biography Nicki Dee, also known as Nixx Dee, is an American plus-sized model, digital creator, brand ambassador, social media influencer, and Instagram star. She rose to social media prominence with her curvy body Nicki Dee is from Phoenix, Arizona in the United States. She was born on June 23rd, 1998 and her zodiac sign is Cancer Her Instagram handle is @nixxdee

1 min read

The Importance of Good Nutrition: Understanding the role of a balanced diet

Good nutrition is essential for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. It plays a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases and illnesses, and also helps to ensure that our bodies have the energy and nutrients they need to function properly.  A balanced diet, which is a diet that includes a variety of different food groups […]

10 mins read