Mike Turner Warns Iran Could Declare Itself a Nuclear Weapons State
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Mike Turner Warns Iran Could Declare Itself a Nuclear Weapons State

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Rep. Mike Turner Warns Iran Could Declare Itself a Nuclear Weapons State by Year-End

Rep. Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, expressed grave concerns on Sunday regarding Iran’s potential nuclear capabilities, stating that the country could declare itself a nuclear weapons state by the end of this year. 

During an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Turner attributed this alarming possibility to the policies of the Biden administration, which he believes have emboldened Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Turner’s Comments on Iran’s Nuclear Progress

“What we see now with this administration is that [Iran] might declare themselves a nuclear weapons state by the end of this year,” Turner said, referencing various reports suggesting advancements in Iran’s nuclear program. 

When asked by host Margaret Brennan if Iran’s Supreme Leader had changed his stance on the country’s nuclear capabilities, Turner acknowledged the potential for such a declaration but clarified that no official conclusion had yet been made.

Turner, a Republican from Ohio, defended recent remarks made by former President Donald Trump, who indicated a desire for a more amicable relationship with Iran while emphasizing that they cannot possess nuclear weapons. Trump previously withdrew the U.S. from the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal in 2018, arguing that it allowed Iran to develop its nuclear program unchecked.

The Impact of the U.S. Policies

Turner criticized the Biden administration’s approach, suggesting that the lack of a stringent policy has allowed Iran to advance its nuclear program significantly. He stated, “They were on the ropes” during Trump’s administration due to the “maximum pressure campaign” that imposed severe economic and military constraints on Iran. Turner believes that the current administration’s flexibility has given Iran the opportunity to not only enhance its nuclear capabilities but also to meddle in U.S. elections.

Federal investigators are currently examining whether Iranian hackers targeted individuals associated with both the Trump and Biden campaigns, following claims from the Trump campaign of a recent hack that may involve Iranian actors. Earlier this year, U.S. intelligence agencies detected an Iranian plot against Trump.

Concerns Over Accountability of Nuclear Weapons State

Turner expressed frustration with the Biden administration’s response to Iran’s actions, stating, “There is not a response that impacts Iran or that has a deterrent effect.” He warned that this lack of accountability could lead to increased Iranian aggression, including attempts to influence U.S. elections and pose risks to American citizens.

The Broader Context of Iran’s Nuclear Program

Recent intelligence reports have indicated that Iran is closer than ever to achieving nuclear weapons capability. The country has reportedly increased its uranium enrichment levels and stockpiled significant quantities of enriched uranium. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has noted that Iran could produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon within “one or two weeks,” raising alarms about the urgency of the situation.

The Biden administration has sought to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), but negotiations have stalled, and Iran has continued to violate the terms of the agreement. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported that Iran’s enrichment activities have exceeded the limits set by the JCPOA, and the agency has faced challenges in monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities effectively.


As tensions rise over Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Rep. Mike Turner’s warnings reflect a growing concern among U.S. lawmakers about the implications of Iran potentially declaring itself a nuclear weapons state. With the Biden administration’s diplomatic efforts facing significant hurdles, the international community remains on high alert regarding Iran’s next moves. The situation underscores the complexities of U.S.-Iran relations and the ongoing challenges in ensuring global security.