Nick Carter files a $3.4M defamation lawsuit against a rape accuser
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Nick Carter files a $3.4M defamation lawsuit against a rape accuser

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Nick Carter, the renowned member of the Backstreet Boys, has filed a $2.5 million defamation lawsuit against Melissa Schuman, a former member of the girl group Dream, in response to her allegations of sexual assault. 

This legal battle comes amidst a series of sexual misconduct claims against Carter, intensifying the scrutiny surrounding his personal and professional life.

Background of the Allegations

The allegations against Carter date back to 2003 when Schuman, then 18 years old, claims that Carter sexually assaulted her after they collaborated on the film *The Hollow*. 

In her lawsuit filed in April 2023, Schuman alleges that Carter gave her a sedative and assaulted her in his Santa Monica apartment. She stated that she repeatedly expressed her unwillingness to engage in sexual activity, emphasizing that she was a virgin at the time.

Schuman initially made her accusations public in 2017 during the #MeToo movement, detailing her experience in a blog post. Following that, she filed a police report in 2018, but authorities did not pursue the case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. However, a change in California law in 2022 allowed her to file a civil lawsuit, leading to the current legal proceedings.

Carter’s Counterclaim

Carter’s counterclaim, filed in the Superior Court of California on July 26, 2024, asserts that Schuman’s allegations are false and have caused him significant reputational and financial harm. 

He claims that her statements, made in her blog, interviews, and the recent docuseries *Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter*, were intended to damage his career and personal life. Carter’s legal team argues that Schuman’s actions were motivated by a desire for “internet relevance” and financial gain.

In his lawsuit, Carter alleges that he has lost lucrative business partnerships and concert opportunities due to Schuman’s claims. He cites specific losses, including deals with companies like MeUndies and Roblox, and states that one concert venue canceled his appearance, costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Carter maintains that his encounter with Schuman was consensual and characterized by a flirtatious dynamic.

Broader Legal Context

Carter’s lawsuit against Schuman is part of a larger pattern of legal challenges he faces. He is also involved in a defamation case against another accuser, Shannon “Shay” Ruth, who alleges that Carter raped her when she was 17. 

Ruth’s lawsuit claims that Carter assaulted her on a tour bus after a concert in 2001. In response to Ruth’s allegations, Carter has filed a counterclaim, asserting that both she and Schuman are exploiting the #MeToo movement to defame him.

Additionally, a third woman, referred to as “A.R.,” has also accused Carter of sexual misconduct, further complicating his legal situation. The accumulation of these allegations has led to significant media attention and public scrutiny of Carter’s actions and character.

Public and Legal Reactions

The response to Carter’s defamation lawsuit has been mixed. Schuman’s attorney, Karen Barth Menzies, criticized Carter’s approach, stating that his strategy to defend against sexual assault claims involves attacking the victims. 

Menzies emphasized that Schuman and Ruth’s testimonies are part of a broader narrative of survivors speaking out against their abusers.

Carter has consistently denied all allegations of sexual misconduct, labeling his accusers as opportunists seeking financial gain. He has expressed his determination to clear his name and restore his reputation, asserting that the claims against him are unfounded.


Nick Carter’s $2.5 million defamation lawsuit against Melissa Schuman highlights the complexities of navigating sexual assault allegations in the public eye. 

As the legal battles unfold, the outcomes will not only impact Carter’s career but also contribute to ongoing discussions about accountability and the treatment of survivors in the entertainment industry. The case serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by both accusers and the accused in the pursuit of justice and truth.