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What is cat biscuit?

what is cat biscuit
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Cat biscuit is not actually a type of biscuit that you can eat. It refers to the kneading behaviour that cats exhibit, often when they are feeling happy and content.

They push their paws in and out rhythmically on a soft surface, such as a blanket, pillow, or your lap. This action resembles a baker kneading dough, hence the name “making biscuits.”

Why do cats make biscuits

Below are a few reasons why cats knead;

Cats knead or “make biscuits” as a result of instinctual behaviour that begins in kittenhood. Kittens knead their mother’s mammary glands to stimulate milk flow, which releases oxytocin, a social bonding hormone. 

This behaviour often continues into adulthood, with cats kneading on soft surfaces, people, or their favourite objects. Kneading is associated with happiness, comfort, and safety, and can also serve to mark territory through scent glands in the paws. 

While the behaviour can sometimes be painful for humans due to the cat’s claws, it is generally a positive sign of affection and should not be discouraged. Kneading is an enduring behaviour that connects cats to their earliest days and can help build bonds with humans.

So, the next time your cat starts making biscuits on your lap, you can rest assured that they are happy and content.

Health benefits to cats making biscuits

There are indeed health benefits associated with cats making biscuits or kneading. When cats knead, they experience a release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. This release of endorphins can be very calming for cats, promoting a sense of comfort and relaxation. 

The repetitive motion of kneading acts like a massage, helping to relieve stress and improve circulation throughout the cat’s body. Additionally, kneading can serve as a stress relief mechanism for cats, similar to how humans unwind with activities like reading or jogging. 

Overall, kneading can be seen as a behaviour that not only signifies contentment and affection but also contributes to a cat’s well-being by providing relaxation and stress relief.

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