The “Very Demure, Very Mindful” TikTok Trend
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The “Very Demure, Very Mindful” TikTok Trend

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The article discusses a new trend on TikTok where users are posting videos of themselves engaging in mindful activities like meditation, journaling, and enjoying nature. The trend encourages a more intentional and present-focused lifestyle, in contrast to the fast-paced and often superficial nature of social media.

The trend appears to have started with a video by user @mindfullydemure, who shared her daily routine of waking up early, meditating, and engaging in other mindful practices. The video resonated with many users who are seeking a more balanced and fulfilling way of life.

The article also notes that the trend aligns with a broader cultural shift towards wellness, self-care, and mindfulness, as people seek to prioritize their mental health and well-being in the face of the challenges and stresses of modern life.