Shapiro Backs Biden After Debate Even In The Faces Bad Debate
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Shapiro Backs Biden After Debate Even In The Faces Bad Debate

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In the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s shaky performance in the latest presidential debate, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro backs Biden and has come to the defense of the embattled incumbent.

However, Shapiro’s own political star continues to rise, leading to growing speculation that he may be positioning himself to challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination.

During a Friday morning appearance on “Morning Joe”, Shapiro acknowledged that Biden “had a bad debate night”, but argued that “it doesn’t change the fact that Donald Trump was a bad president.” Shapiro went on to criticize Trump, saying he “not only lied about his past, but lied about the kinds of things he’s proposing for the future.”

Shapiro’s comments come amid a flurry of calls for the 44-year-old governor to consider a presidential run of his own. A recent Muhlenberg College poll found Shapiro beating Trump 48% to 37% in a hypothetical matchup, with 11% leaning toward another candidate and 4% undecided.

An Engagious/Sago focus group study also found that Pennsylvania swing voters preferred Shapiro over Biden as the Democratic nominee.

The growing clamor for Shapiro to challenge Biden has been fueled by the president’s perceived vulnerabilities, including his advanced age and concerns over his physical and cognitive health. Biden, who will turn 82 shortly after the 2024 election, has faced questions about his stamina and ability to effectively lead the country.

Shapiro, on the other hand, has been hailed as a rising star within the Democratic Party. The former Pennsylvania Attorney General was elected governor in a landslide victory in 2022, and his approval ratings have remained high, with a Muhlenberg survey finding him at 64% in his first term.

Despite the mounting pressure, Shapiro has downplayed his presidential ambitions, stating that his “ambition to get a little bit of sleep” and to serve the people of Pennsylvania. However, the governor’s refusal to rule out a future White House bid has only fueled speculation that he may be positioning himself for a national run, whether in 2024 or beyond.

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, Shapiro’s role as a vocal defender of Biden, coupled with his own growing political clout, will likely continue to be a subject of intense scrutiny and debate within the Democratic Party. The question remains whether Shapiro will heed the calls to challenge the incumbent president, or if he will remain a loyal ally in Biden’s quest for a second term.

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