How to get rid of cat pee smell

To get rid of cat pee smell, you can follow these effective methods: 1. Use white vinegar and water: Create a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water to neutralise the smell of cat pee. Soak the affected area with this solution and let it dry. Vinegar is effective in neutralising the […]

Why do cats bite ?

Why do cats bite ? Cats bite for various reasons, including love bites, fear, anxiety, petting and biting, frustration, inappropriate play, social pressures, illness, or pain. Love bites are gentle nibbles and “love bites” that cats use to express affection.  Fear and anxiety can cause cats to bite as a defensive mechanism. Petting and biting […]

Effective training methods for cats

There are several effective training methods for cats, including clicker training, hand signals, and voice cues. Clicker training involves associating a clicking sound with a reward, which helps the cat understand desirable behaviour.  Hand signals and voice cues can also be used to indicate commands, with the key being to associate different commands with specific […]

What is fip in cats ?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a severe, usually fatal disease caused by a feline coronavirus. Most strains of feline coronavirus are found in the gastrointestinal tract and do not cause significant disease.  However, in approximately 10% of cats infected with FeCV, one or more mutations of the virus can alter its biological behavior, resulting in […]

Why do cats wag their tails ?

Cats wag their tails as a means of communication, expressing a range of emotions and intentions. The tail movements of cats can convey various messages, indicating their mood, feelings, and desires. Here are some reasons why cats wag their tails: 1. Happiness and Contentment: Cats may wag their tails when they are happy, content, or […]

Why do cats hiss ?

Why do cats hiss ? Cats hiss for several reasons, primarily as a warning to other animals or people. Here are some common reasons why cats hiss: 1.Warning shots: Cats hiss to let others know that they are agitated or unhappy with a situation. This could be due to rough play, protecting their young, or […]

How do cats get worms ?

Cats can get worms by accidentally ingesting the eggs of parasites. There are different types of worms that can affect cats, including roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. These worms can be transmitted to cats through various ways: 1. Roundworms: Cats can get roundworms by ingesting the eggs directly from a contaminated environment or by eating an […]

Why do cats sleep so much ?

Cats are renowned for their love of sleep, often leaving us in awe of their seemingly endless napping sessions. If you’ve ever wondered why your cat spends so much time dozing off, this article is for you. Cats are crepuscular creatures, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. This natural behaviour stems from […]

What does catnip do to cats ?

What is catnip? Catnip, a herb closely related to mint, contains a substance called nepetalactone that interacts with the cat’s olfactory system. When cats smell catnip, they experience behavioural changes that can mimic a female cat going into heat.  This compound triggers a euphoric reaction in cats, leading to behaviours like meowing, flipping, rolling, rubbing, […]

Why Do Cats Like Boxes ?

Cats and boxes seem to have an inexplicable bond that has fascinated cat owners and enthusiasts for years. The allure of a simple cardboard box to a feline friend is a phenomenon that has been widely observed and studied. Understanding why cats are drawn to boxes can provide insights into their behaviour and preferences. 1. […]

Important Facts About Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon is a large, sociable cat breed native to Maine, U.S. Known for its prominent ruff, robust bone structure, and rectangular body shape, the Maine Coon has a unique, two-layered coat that is longer and shaggier on the underside and rear for extra protection in harsh winter climates.  Males commonly weigh between 13 […]

How Many Teeth Do Cats Have

Cats are fascinating creatures with their sharp claws, agile bodies, and unique dental structure. Understanding the number of teeth cats have and their function can help pet owners provide better dental care for their feline friends.  This article will delve into the details of cat’s dentition, including the types of teeth, the teething process, and […]

What is flea collars ?

Flea collars are pet accessories designed to protect dogs and cats from fleas and ticks. These collars contain insecticides that are gradually released to kill and repel fleas, ticks, flea eggs, and larvae.  Flea collars are worn around the neck of the pet and provide long-lasting protection, typically up to several months, depending on the […]

How many lives do cats have ?

The Myth of Nine Lives Cats have long been associated with the intriguing notion of having multiple lives, a belief that has transcended cultures and generations. The myth of cats having nine lives is deeply ingrained in popular folklore, sparking curiosity and wonder about the true nature of our feline companions.  Let’s look into the […]

Why do cats meow ?

Cats are known for their vocalizations, with meowing being a primary form of communication between cats and their human companions. Understanding why cats meow is essential for cat owners to decipher their pets’ needs and behaviours effectively.  In this detailed blog article, we will explore the various reasons behind why cats meow and how to […]

How long are cats in heat ?

Cats are typically in heat for about 4 to 10 days, but this can vary depending on individual cats. During this period, female cats are receptive to mating and may exhibit behaviours like increased vocalization, restlessness, and affection towards their owners. It’s important to spay or neuter your cat to prevent unwanted litters and to […]

Why Do Cats Lick You ? 

Cats are fascinating creatures that often leave us wondering about their behaviours and actions. One such behaviour is licking. If you have a feline friend, you might have asked yourself, “Why does my cat lick me?” This article aims to explore the reasons behind this behaviour and what it signifies in the feline world. The […]