20 Apr, 2024

Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy Now owns 1% of all Bitcoin

MicroStrategy now officially owns +1% of the 21 million Bitcoin that will ever be issued with 214,246 $BTC in its corporate treasury. Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy has officially become the 1st public company to hold 1% of the total Bitcoin supply! As at 11th of March, Saylor’s company MicroStrategy just borrowed $800m for 6 years with […]

1 min read

Bitcoin price hits $50k

Bitcoin price has reached the $50,000 mark for the first time since December 2021, marking a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency’s price movement. This surge in Bitcoin’s price occurred on February 12, 2024, and is attributed to a combination of factors, including the anticipation of the upcoming Bitcoin supply halving in April and substantial inflows […]

2 mins read