Putin warns President Macron of a violent defeat if France sends troops to Ukraine
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Putin warns President Macron of a violent defeat if France sends troops to Ukraine

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Russian President Putin warns French President Macron that any troops he sends to Ukraine will meet the same end as Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grande Armee, whose 1812 invasion of Russia ended in death and defeat.

Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron

However, France has not yet sent troops to Ukraine, but there has been discussion about the possibility of Western countries, including France, sending non-combat troops to assist Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron has suggested that NATO troops could potentially be deployed into Ukraine to assist with roles such as demining, cyber operations, or weapons production.

More so, there is no consensus among European countries on this matter, and some key European states have firmly rebuffed the idea1. France’s defense minister has also stated that any potential European military presence in Ukraine would be in non-combat roles

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