How Insulin started saving lives

In 1922, a team of scientists visited Toronto General Hospital, where wards housed numerous diabetic children. Many of these children were in a comatose state and on the brink of death due to diabetic ketoacidosis. As a result of the amount of deaths, scientists moved swiftly and proceeded to inject the children with a new […]

What is Medicine 3.0?

Medicine 3.0 is an emerging philosophy in medicine, coined by Peter Attia, M.D., that shifts the model of care from a focus on disease treatment to prevention, with a longevity lens.  It aims to help individuals reach an optimal state using testing, and technology, and focusing on root causes.  The key principles of Medicine 3.0 […]

Why You Should Avoid Fructose at all Cost

Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in various fruits, vegetables, and honey. It’s a vital source of energy for our bodies when consumed in moderate amounts.  However, the issue arises when we encounter fructose in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other processed sugar additives.  In this article, we will explore […]

Is Protein Powder Effective?

Protein powder is a dietary supplement that contains a concentrated source of protein derived from various sources, such as whey, casein, soy, pea, rice, or other proteins.  It is commonly used by individuals who want to increase their protein intake, such as athletes, bodybuilders, and people looking to support their fitness and dietary goals. Content […]

Beetroot Powder Uses and Benefits

Beetroot powder, also referred to as a nutrient-rich dried beetroot supplement, is a concentrated version of the vegetable made from dehydrated beets that are ground down into tiny particles. It is a supplement that is growing in popularity as it taps into the natural health benefits of beets, which are viewed as a “superfood” due […]

What is a Continuous Blood Pressure Monitor?

A continuous blood pressure monitor is a method of measuring blood pressure on a constant basis for a period of time, usually 24 hours, outside of a healthcare provider’s office. Blood pressure is a fundamental parameter of human health. Continuous monitoring of blood pressure is crucial for understanding an individual’s cardiovascular health and detecting potential […]

How can I Protect myself from STIs

With prevalent sexual escapades in the current era of sex for fun and sex for pay, it has become imperative for everyone, including myself, to look out for how I can protect myself from STIs. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are serious infections transmitted through sexual contact, caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, and they affect […]

The Olaplex Hair Loss Lawsuit

In February 2023, a class action lawsuit was filed against Olaplex Holdings Inc., the makers of the popular hair care brand Olaplex. The lawsuit alleges that Olaplex products cause hair loss and other scalp injuries. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are 28 women who claim that they used Olaplex products and experienced hair loss, scalp […]

Types of Birth Control

There are numerous types and ways of birth control; some of these methods work by stopping the woman’s ovaries from releasing an ovum (egg), while other methods work by preventing the man’s sperm from ever meeting the ovum.  Below are some popular choices: Depending on what an individual finds comfortable or ideal for their situation, […]

What is Birth Control

Birth Control is simply the practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, especially by use of contraception. There are two main ways in which one can enjoy sex without it leading to pregnancy. One of those is sex other than vaginal intercourse, while the second is vaginal intercourse with birth control. Of cause the use of birth […]

What Is Oestrogen?

Oestrogen, also known as estrogen, is a hormone that is produced primarily by the ovaries in females. It is also produced in small amounts by the adrenal glands and fat tissue. Oestrogen is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. What are the functions of estrogen? Oestrogen […]