Iceland volcano erupts for the fourth time in three months
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Iceland volcano erupts for the fourth time in three months

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The news report details a significant volcanic eruption in Iceland, marking the fourth eruption in recent months on the Reykjanes Peninsula. The eruption led to a state of emergency being declared in Iceland as lava spewed from a new volcanic fissure.

The eruption occurred between Stóra Skógfell and Hagafell, with live video images showing glowing lava and billowing smoke. The Icelandic Met Office and civil protection authorities were actively monitoring the situation, with a helicopter dispatched to assess the extent of the eruption.

The lava flow from the eruption was observed moving south towards dykes built to protect the fishing village of Grindavik, while also flowing west. The length of the fissure was estimated to be 2.9 kilometers (1.8 miles). Despite warnings of increased seismic activity leading up to the eruption, the pre-eruptive warning phase was short, indicating the rapid onset of the volcanic event.

The eruption prompted evacuations, including at Iceland’s renowned Blue Lagoon geothermal spa and Grindavik. The Reykjanes Peninsula has experienced a series of eruptions since December, with concerns raised for the Svartsengi power plant that supplies electricity and water to thousands in the region.

Iceland’s geological location above a volcanic hot spot in the North Atlantic makes it prone to eruptions, with this recent activity signaling a reawakening of the Svartsengi volcanic system after centuries of dormancy.

Despite the disruptive nature of these eruptions, no confirmed deaths have been reported from these recent volcanic events, highlighting Iceland’s experience in managing such natural phenomena.

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