Togo Adopts New Constitution, Shifting Power from President to Prime Minister
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Togo Adopts New Constitution, Shifting Power from President to Prime Minister

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Togo’s Lawmakers Approve Sweeping Changes


Togo’s parliament has overwhelmingly approved a new constitution that significantly alters the country’s political structure. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

  • Shifting Executive Power: The president will now be chosen by lawmakers for a single six-year term, without public participation. This departs from the previous system where voters directly elected the president.
  • Prime Minister Gains Authority: A new position, “president of the council of ministers,” is established. This Prime Minister role will hold significant power, managing government affairs and being held accountable for them.
  • Prime Minister Selected by Majority Party: The leader of the party (or coalition) with the most seats in parliament will become the Prime Minister, serving a six-year term.
  • President’s Role Diminishes: The new constitution reduces the president’s power, making the Prime Minister the central figure in day-to-day governance and international representation.

Timing and Context

This vote comes just ahead of upcoming legislative elections scheduled for April 20, 2024. Notably, the opposition boycotted the previous elections in 2018, citing irregularities.

The new constitution marks Togo’s entry into its “Fifth Republic,” a significant change following the last major constitutional reform in 1992.

Background on Presidential Term Limits

It’s important to note that in 2019, Togo’s parliament introduced a two-term limit for presidents. However, this rule did not apply retroactively, allowing the current president, Faure Gnassingbe, to run for two more terms. Gnassingbe has been in power since 2005, succeeding his father, who ruled for over 50 years after a coup.

Togo’s new constitution represents a major shift in power dynamics, moving towards a parliamentary system with a strong Prime Minister position.

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