Top 6 Most Popular Types of Homes in China
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Top 6 Most Popular Types of Homes in China

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The most popular types of homes in China encompass a diverse range of architectural styles that reflect the country’s rich cultural heritage and regional diversity. Here are some of the most prevalent types of homes in China

1. Siheyuan (Traditional Courtyard Houses)


Siheyuan is a traditional courtyard-style residence that is iconic in Beijing and other parts of China. These houses are constructed with a main house, a wing house, and a house facing the main house, all connected by walls to create an enclosed square courtyard.

These traditional Chinese residences are characterized by a courtyard enclosed by buildings on all sides. The layout follows the concept of “closed outside, open inside.” Siheyuan in Beijing, known as “four-sided courtyard houses,” typically consists of at least one courtyard enclosed by single-story buildings on all four sides. 

The main gate is usually located at the southeastern corner, and the courtyard allows for family activities and sunlight. Siheyuans were traditionally occupied by single extended family units, but nowadays, many have been divided into multifamily dwellings due to population growth

2. Mongolian Yurt

Mongolian Yurt

Mongolian Yurts, are traditional portable round tents used by nomadic people in Mongolia and other regions. It is made of wood poles covered with wool felts and is known for its portability, ease of assembly, and practicality for nomadic lifestyles. These images capture the unique architecture, cultural significance, and scenic settings where yurts are traditionally found. 

3. Jinzhong Compound (Shanxi Compound)

Jinzhong Compound

This type of compound represents the highest level of civil building in northern China. It is characterized by grandeur, intricate carvings, and exquisite architectural details, showcasing the wealth and status of the owners.

These are some of the information about various compounds in Shanxi, China, including the Qiao Family Compound, Chang Family Compound, Cao Family Compound, and Wang’s Family Compound. 

These compounds are historical residences that showcase traditional Chinese architecture, cultural heritage, and the lifestyle of prominent families in the region. Each compound has unique features, layouts, and historical significance, offering visitors a glimpse into the past and the rich heritage of Shanxi Province.

4. Bamboo House (Dai Minority)

Bamboo House

These bamboo houses are the primary form of housing for the Dai people, constructed mainly from bamboo materials. The architecture of these houses is designed to suit the tropical rainforest climate of the region, with roofs specially crafted to drain rainwater and prevent humidity. 

The bamboo houses are double-layered, allowing the Dai people to live upstairs while keeping sundries, livestock, and poultry downstairs. The Dai ethnic group refers to their bamboo houses as “Hen,” which symbolizes the bird phoenix spreading its wings in preparation for flight.

The bamboo houses of the Dai ethnic group hold significant cultural and symbolic meanings. Various parts of the bamboo house, such as the “falling stake” and other stakes representing male and female elements, carry sacred and practical significance in Dai culture. 

5. Tulou Structures (Fujian Tulou)

Tulou Structures homes in china

Tulou structures, also known as Fujian Tulou, are historical communal homes primarily associated with the Hakka people in Fujian, China. These donut-shaped forts served as communal residences, designed to house multiple families and provide defense against invaders. 

The architecture of Tulou features thick walls, iron gates, underground escape tunnels, and weapon slits to protect residents during conflicts. These structures are part of China’s intangible cultural heritage and have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Tulou structures were built between the 15th and 20th centuries, with some accommodating up to 800 people each. 

6. Sunken Courtyard Homes (Dikengyuan/Yaodong)

Sunken Courtyard Homes

Sunken courtyard homes, known as Dikengyuan in Mandarin, are a type of cave-dwelling commonly found in the Loess Plateau in northern China. These homes are carved into the ground and designed to adapt to the natural terrain and climate of the region. 

The soil of the Loess Plateau acts as an effective heat insulator, keeping residents warm during winter. The sunken courtyard homes do not use bricks or tiles in construction and are reinforced with stones and clay walls. While some have been converted into tourist attractions, others are still inhabited, showcasing a blend of tradition and modernization

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