Chronicles of Wendy Williams Life Time Documentary
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Chronicles of Wendy Williams Life Time Documentary

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Reports that the court appointed guardian knew all about #wendywilliams documentary…and only tried to stop it on the eve of it airing…⁦ – @EVargasTV

This broke me up .. Blac Chyna is so real for this man . Nobody really reaches back for Wendy but she did – @armanivalore

·She never healed from it and that led to other illnesses and drug abuse – @Pretty_Enigma

There shouldn’t be any cameras infront of her at this state All she needs is family, care , support and healing. This woman has been through a lot and is still going through it, Losing her Mom Her marriage ending And her health struggles – @Kello_Lello

Wendy Williams is really gone 🙁 – @NATERERUN

THROWBACK: For someone who was a former cocaine addicted drug addict, you’d think Wendy would have some type of love and compassion for Whitney during these times. Wendy talked about Whitney like a dog back then. Called her all type of disgusting names – Don Rashad

Cocaine? A little bit, yeah

#WendyWilliams #LifeTime #Documentary

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