27 Apr, 2024

Prosecutors Seek 40-50yrs Sentence for FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried

Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of the collapsed crypto exchange FTX, faces a potential 40-50 year prison term, according to U.S. prosecutors. They argue this sentence is necessary due to the “historic fraud” committed by Bankman-Fried, who is accused of lying to investors, using fake documents, and illegally funneling money into political campaigns. In a sentencing memo […]

1 min read

Ecuador youngest mayor Brigitte Garcia and her comms director shot dead in Manabi

In a tragic turn of events, Ecuador mourns the loss of its youngest mayor as Brigitte Garcia, 27, and her communications director, Jairo Loor, were discovered shot dead in a rented car along a roadside in the province of Manabi. Police are investigating the incident, suspecting the gunfire originated from within the vehicle itself. Garcia, […]

2 mins read

US Judge grants illegal immigrants right to carry guns

Illegal immigrants can now carry guns, a federal judge has ruled. At this point, it seems like illegals have as many rights as US citizens but without even half the responsibilities. U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman has ruled that an illegal immigrant’s Second Amendment rights were violated when he was charged with unlawfully possessing […]

1 min read