27 Jul, 2024

US Judge grants illegal immigrants right to carry guns

Illegal immigrants can now carry guns, a federal judge has ruled. At this point, it seems like illegals have as many rights as US citizens but without even half the responsibilities. U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman has ruled that an illegal immigrant’s Second Amendment rights were violated when he was charged with unlawfully possessing […]

1 min read

The Complete Process Of How to Get An American Green Card

The process of obtaining a Permanent Resident Card or as it is popularly called an American Green Card in the United States can be complex and very depending on your eligibility category.  There are several processes to obtain a green card in the United States, each with its pros and cons. Some of the most […]

8 mins read

US State Department Warns against Trips to Jamaica

Americans planning a Jamaican vacation are urged to think twice, according to a recent US State Department travel advisory. Citing rising crime rates and unreliable medical services, the Level 3 advisory recommends reconsidering travel to the Caribbean island nation. The concerns stem from numerous reports of violent crimes, including home invasions, armed robberies, sexual assaults, […]

1 min read