27 Apr, 2024

I am not Cameroonian, I am French – Kylian Mbappe declares

Kylian Mbappe having face constant criticism for not choosing his home country of birth, but has rather continued to advance the French football from where he got opportunity to shine as a footballer, has has now now declared openly for the avoidance of doubt that he is French and not Cameroonian. Below is his reason […]

1 min read

Footballer Robinho turns himself in for a 9yrs prison sentence for rape

Former soccer star Robinho surrendered himself on Thursday to commence a nine-year prison term in Brazil, more than a decade after allegations of rape were first leveled against him in Italy. Departing from his residence in the coastal city of Santos, near Sao Paulo, the 40-year-old was escorted by authorities in a black police vehicle. […]

1 min read

Lewis Hamilton Makes Shocking Move to Ferrari for 2025 Season

In a bombshell announcement that shook the Formula One world, Lewis Hamilton, the seven-time world champion, is leaving Mercedes to join Ferrari for the 2025 season. This historic move marks the end of an era for Hamilton and Mercedes, who together dominated the sport for much of the last decade. Full details of the event: […]

2 mins read