What is a landing Page? and how to create one
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What is a landing Page? and how to create one

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A landing page is a single or multiple pages that are designed solely for one thing, either to collect visitor’s information or lead them to a specific page using a clear and hard to miss Call-To-Action (CTA).

In most cases the page will be designed to collect email address and other data’s while other times it may serve as a conduit to convince a customer to proceed to an order page to pay for a product.

The email collected through the landing page will usually be sent to an email list for further marketing campaigns.

For landing pages to be very effective as a lead magnet, it is advisable to offer something to the visitors like a check list, eBook, datasheet etc.

This little offer can only be received by the visitor when they put in their email address and it is through there that they will get the link to download the offer.

For this reason, people tend to input details that are most likely real and active and that is what you need.

You will let them know explicitly that the access to the offer will only be made available to them, through a link that will be sent to the email address that they provide.

By doing this, it ensures that they only use active addresses and not a dummy address.

Importance of a landing page

This type of pages are very effective because it is designed to accomplish a specific task.

Unlike a home page that is designed to convey your brand message and guide the site visitor on how to navigate through the webpage.

The home page can sometimes have too many distractions because they have to contain many information.

But the landing page has a sole purpose and with a hard-to-miss CTA directing the visitor to do just exactly what you want them to do.

Even if you have a home page, it is a good practice to design a couple of other pages for specific campaigns, because it tends to convert better than the home page.

When you run an advertisement, in other to maximize conversion, the best place to send your visitors in not the home page, but a landing page.

Landing pages can either be a single page for collecting visitor’s data or a page that further directs the prospect through a sales funnel.

Below are some template samples that can be further edited to fit a variety of marketing campaign.

Landing Page Templates

How to create a landing page

There are many platforms that can be used to easily create a landing page.

Some popular platforms are GetResponse, MailChimp, Wix, WordPress, Google sites, Instabuilder and many more.

Of course, if you know how to write code you can decide to build yours from scratch, but I know that not so many people cannot code, so the best method is to use the available platforms.

I will recommend you try GetResponse, because even though it has a premium subscription, it gives you all the premium benefits for free in the first month.

Below is the picture guide of how to create a landing page on GetResponse.

First you need to create your account here and log in.

Getresponse Landing Page Temp1

Click on the Create landing page

Getresponse Landing Page Temp2

Pick whatever design that suits you from the available ones

Getresponse Landing Page Temp3

For this example, I picked the Lead generation option

Getresponse Landing Page Temp4

Proceed to give a name to your page and then click on the next step

Getresponse Landing Page Temp5

Here you are, this is the template for a new page, you can now go ahead and edit the writings to fit your need.

You can edit the heading, logo and other texts on this page and then save the page as either computer version only or both computer and mobile version.

When you are done click on the next step and you can now share the link or use it for your ads campaign.

Let me know in the comment section if you tried it.

Templates from Popular Platforms

WordPress Landing page

Wordpress lp template

Wix Landing page

Wix Landing Page sample

The is an example of how a Wix landing page looks like, you can always edit it further to meet you taste.

MailChimp Landing page

Mailchimp LP Template

Google Sites Landing Page

google sites template

This is an example of what can design on google sites, however, note that you can customize your site to what a ever design theme that fits your need.

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